Friday, February 13, 2009

This Week for BirdWatching Designs

So, this week I was supposed to go down to the local TV station for an "open house" of sorts for business owners. The producer of a local shopping show called me and was interested in my owl necklaces and soaps, and thought they would be popular on her show. I was all set to go on Wednesday, but after thinking about it, decided against it. I prefer to work on my sewing projects, and if I sold soaps and necklaces on TV, I'd have to make those instead. Also, I would've had to take a day or more off work, and pay for ad time on the show on top of that. It may not have even worked out to have made me any money.

Luckily the three day weekend is here and I can stock up on items in my shops. I am eager to add some new things and keep myself busy. I have been sewing lately and have added a few new things. Here are a couple of them! Enjoy!


BlueTerracotta said...

Oh, these are so cute!

Expressions By Devin said...

those are so cute

BirdWatching Designs said...

Thanks Miss Devin :-)

Marie said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! Go to to find out what to do. Have fun!

CaffeinatedFrenzy said...

Those are adorable!